What´s New

Exciting News: Claramonte is Coming to Our Store This April!
Claramonte is audacity, femininity and escapism. Claramonte is a tribal and chic universe, artisanal and contemporary, raw and sophisticated, with bohemian, ethnic and current creations that become...
Introducing Susanna Blu: A Colorful Italian Dream Arriving in March!
I (Kitty) fell in love with Susanna Blu the moment I saw it. Angelica’s designs exude that same artisanal magic I cherish in my own collections—each piece tells a story, blending craftsmanship with...
Kitty van Coesant welcomes Cashmere Royalty!
Hi loves, it’s Kitty here, and I couldn’t be more excited to share some incredible news with you! At the end of next week, we’re launching our first-ever collection of handknitted styles in luxurio...
The Art of Handmade Luxury;a look inside the knitting world of Kitty van Coesant
In a world dominated by mass-produced fashion, there’s something undeniably special about handmade luxury. I’m Kitty van Coesant, and at my brand, I take immense pride in crafting exquisite knitwea...